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There are many beautiful looking baby marine fish.

Related article : I like the pictures of the scuba diver and the fish together in this article. You can see how small and cute they are.

More than half of them will look completely different when they reach adulthood.

When I get this done, I'll try to make it as simple as possible. They look very colorful and intricate, and I love that details but if I emphasize that detail too much, they won't look like a baby.

Hm.. It would be fun to make all crying face. Then it might look more like a baby...? I see the baby every day because my nephew is at my house these days, and he's either smiling or crying or drooling lol. 

fruit bats seem to eat a variety of tropical fruits.

I chose figs, mangoes and guavas because I was thinking of a pale green and pink color palette.

I found out while researching, that Honduran white bats only eat certain figs. (Ficus colubrinae)

I'm debating whether to draw a face on the fruit or not.

The bats will spread fruit's seeds, so they will be happily eaten by bat.

But there are already many characters in this picture, and many faces will make the picture look very complicated.

Flying mochi




So cute! Today, I saw a photo of a hummingbird bobtail squid and they are so bright and shiny! Would maybe make a good glitter/hologram sticker?


As for future stickers, I'm not sure yet. Because it is decided by voting! I've drawn Bobtail squid a few times so far, but it's one of my favorite cephalopods, so I think I'll draw it again someday.


I love when you share these process posts -- I really learn a lot about how artists work! Thank you <3


Oh🥰 I'm glad you enjoy my process post! It's good for me too because it gives me a little more insight into the way I draw!


omg with the mangos <3!

Tony Richmond

Baby fish! 😍 It's so crazy how some fish have a larva stage that looks so different from the adult.


yes yes XD Perhaps without the work of scientists, we would have thought they were completely different animals.


I love fruit bats! And I love how you have drawn their faces munching on the fruit <3


They're so pretty. They look like gemstones <3 Also I really hope these sea babies get turned into stickers because I need them @.@


I hope you make the bat with all the fruits a full drawing. It seems like such a sweet idea😭💖💖


Ahhhh I need more bat drawings in my life