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 (Black-tailed gull)

A cup of water lettuce

It's for new twitter header.

A long time ago there were 2 moss balls in my fish tank.

By the way It's not about depreciate my appearance.

 I am not interested to drawing me (and real people) very much.

I had a hard disk error last week, so I was a bit panic lol.

(Fortunately I do backups often so mostly of my art files are safe)

I tried to think positively way.. I finally switched from hdd to ssd at this opportunity, and it seems to be much faster and more stable.

Everything is fine now😇

Australian green tree frog(White's tree frog)

I often think about my octopus teacher.

I think her when I get a Netflix payment text message.

Because I almost haven't watched Netflix this year🤣

Rubber ducky isopod

Dairy Cow isopod

I think the time when my works are updated the most is 3~5am here😇




I love your doodles! I never knew I wanted one but now that I've seen it I want a crying axolotl sticker set.😭 Also I received your postcards and stickers in the mail the other day and I love them so much!🥰


Ahahaha I'm thinking of releasing axolotl stickers someday! I love making sad stickers, so there must be a cry hard axolotl sticker lol. and glad you like my rewards :D thanks Kcici!

Milo OJ

I will use that "Work Hard or Die" as my avatar for my next Skype call. I bet my boss gonna love it. ( ͡ㆆ ͜ʖ ͡ㆆ)


OMG milo lol🤣🤣it's so funny and obviously your boss will like it.🤣 BUT I want you to get plenty of rest, work small but earn much 😉!

Milo OJ

Thank you ( T w T )~♥ *typing while trying to finish a project that is due in 2 hours*


omg😭Isn't dawn where you live now? (Of course I am working at dawn too 🤣!) Good luck!

Milo OJ

Yep, it is 1am right now. ( ; w ; ) Lets us have a pleasant night, my fellow live-in-Asia-but-work-EU-time comrade♥♥ ( > x < )


Ah! You're probably living eastward than me (it's 3 a.m. here), cheer up!

Britta Nagy

These are all so good! I agree about drawing people - I'd much rather make silly animals! 😆


You too 🤣🙌animals are so cool and drawing them are more fun to me

Britta Nagy

SO much more fun!! 😂 The best part about your art is that I always learn something about the creatures you draw, too. So it's adorable but you're sneaking learning in my brain when I'm not looking! 🤣


Ah! That's really good! In the past, I used to post only pictures because I was passive in English, but these days I'm trying to write down information as much as possible. It would be a pleasure if we learn about these wonderful animals together💕


Your doodles are so cute!! Water lettuce is my favorite floating plant c: The green tree frog is precious. My Octopus Teacher was amazing, just watched it recently <3


ooh that's good to know! I'm looking forward to seeing when those stickers are made!❤


Draw yourself as an axolotl, like what you would look like as one. It helps to put your own characteristics on something you love to draw. 💗 I love all the little things you draw!!! When I was working on stuff for my employer, who was based in the UK, I started working directly from a virtual, online drive. I then created a backup.exe that ran saves and backups every 20-30 minutes without disrupting what I was doing. Sometimes the connection could be an issue, but it saved my butt many times!


so cute!! i cried so much watching the octopus teacher - really great watch.


haha! I always assume you are your icon! little friend of the sea, possibly squishy. maybe your fursona is an axolotl ?


Ahaha that is my expression towards seagulls. Dairy cow isopod is so cute!


yeah I sometimes alternate between my character and use it as my persona, but I'm not familiar with it yet🤣


Ah! Yes, I also considered about online disk too. My files are so large that I haven't considered it yet because of the price. (I need 4 tera or more) It's okay because I do backups often, but it always seems to be stressful if there's a problem with the machine🤣


Oh glad you watched that movie! I'll remember that octopus forever T_T and yes, Water lettuce is so pretty, one of my favorite floating palnts too! Thanks Elaori!


I love the Twitter header. It’s so cute. The seagull too

Tony Richmond

Very relatable--i love drawing fish (and probably most animals) but I hate drawing humans. Partially because I think humans are boring but mostly because I can't draw them as well 😂


Oh that was my long agony, too. So I practiced drawing people a lot, but looking back now, it would have been nice if I practiced drawing animals more at that time. we don't need to do good everything we don't like 😆

Ellie Baines

The isopods are my favorite! So cute!