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🦎idea sketch of Choco Reptile 

There are over 1000 types, so I was very worried about what to draw.

When I was a student, I wanted to raise one of them so much, so I used to look for their information for months. That time, due to my environmental factors, I couldn't raise them, but gecko is still one of my favorite reptiles and I have picture collection folder of them on my phone😂

I personally liked the web-footed gecko so much and I used to them as desktop wallpapers few years ago.

Anyway, from a long time ago, I've wanted to draw them well. 

I think it took a long time because the satisfactory character design did not come out well. 

As you may notice when you look at my sketching process, I fixed almost every sketch.😅

It looks like I erased it a few dozen times to find my favorite eye size and position and then redrawn it😂

Well, as much time took, it seems to have become one of my personal favorite paintings this year.



At first, I tried to express the shape of the eyes in only two ways.

But in the end, each drew differently. I think one of gecko's attractiveness is that the eyes have various colors.

Color thumb

In the end, it's a little different because I changed a few lizard types and position a little, but it should be pretty much the same as the final feel.

Gecko species

  • 1. Giant day gecko, Common flat-tail gecko, Yellow-headed day gecko, Barking gecko, Kuhl 's flying gecko, Satanic leaf-tailed gecko
  • 2. Crested gecko Web-footed gecko, Leopard gecko, Ashy gecko (juvenile) , Groote eylandt velvet gecko (juvenile)
  • 3. Red stripe gargoyle gecko, Tokay gecko, Northern spiny-tailed gecko, Crested gecko (Lilly white), Electric blue gecko, Psychedelic rock gecko
  • 4. Cat gecko, Smooth knob-tailed gecko, New Caledonian giant gecko, African fat-tailed gecko, Carter 's rock gecko

They have webbed feet and can run on the sand. 

Flying gecko.

Maybe one day, the little lizard would have evolved thinking that it now wants to fly among the trees???

Thank you!




I hope this one can be one of the ones in the next batch of cards, or maybe i pin. I also really wanted a gecko but my mom hates reptiles. Maybe in the future i raise a gecko....


there are no pin on next April reward, but more Stickers instead. this design will be included in the design survey for next rewards, I hope they win too :D


Oh i see! Will you ever be making anymore pin animals? Even if it was just a separate thing from patreon id still love to buy~ the snail and moth are cozy on my board.


Yes, actually I already started to make next pin set for patreon additional order :) I think I will receive orders within two month!


Oh im so happy! Cant wait to see them 😍


I love geckos! I *still* want to raise one 😭


Such a great way to start the day ! 😍 Thank you for sharing 😊


Aaaah so so cool !! I want to plush them all now x'D


Geckos! Omg, I love them so much. We have a few that live around our front porch, they come hang out by the light after it gets dark. They make me so happy. :3


Oh!!??Sounds so cute! it's a very enviable environment for them to be around😭💕💕


Ahhh I love them all so much. ;0;

Divi (Lovewin)

Awwwwww I love every single one

Spike Milligan

Oh I would love to see these little guys as a Galaxy theme 😍 I love geckos a lot too!


Geckos are so pretty and so expressive!


I haven't decided what theme to create yet, but it will maybe someday :) Thanks Jen!


They are all so cute! My previous apartment had 2 little geckos that often suddenly popped out and gave me a fright! They were so cute though 😊


I heard that sometimes they are suddenly stuck on the window😂 Thank you Christin!