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*** In iOS's Mobile app, GIFs on post are not moving. I recommend read this post on webpage!

(I contacted Patreon again about this 😭 hope this will be fixed soon.)

Oct.29 is sea slug day! ((nudibranch))

I thought of a pleasant feeling sea slug march.

[ wip / wallpaper ] Sea Slug Day 

I worked on the seaslug(nudibranch) design I drew last year as a base.

Half changed to new seaslug(nudibranch), which was not drawn last year.


Spanish dancer(Hexabranchus sanguineus) is main!

they know how to party :D

Procreate WIP gif

8 frames

Here is animation conti

Sea slug species

1. Chromodoris elisabethina 2. Nembrotha cristata 3. Chromodoris annulata 

4. Dirona albolineata 5. Hexabranchus sanguineus (Spanish dancer) 6. Costasiella kuroshimae 

7. Hypselodoris bullocki 8. Chromodoris quadricolor 9. Chromodoris willani

#9 sea slug is currently being used as an icon.

#2 was another sea slug from the past😁

I love them....

Do you remember I said I wanted to make sea slug animated stickers someday?

It would be nice if I make stickers and GIFs based on this :)

Happy sea slug day!



Tony Richmond

Woahhh these are incredible!!! Great job with the animations! So smooth


These are so cute! The Spanish Dancer makes me laugh every time I see this gif 🤣