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First of all, I want to say that this is not a tutorial.

Because sometimes the animals I draw are anatomically inaccurate.

Look at this example.

(Giant African Land Snail)

'Technical knowledge' is sometimes a double-edged sword.

It helps us to express accurately.

It also interferes with free imagination someway.

This doesn't mean to ignore studies Anatomy.

Structural understanding is very very very important.

But I want to say it's not absolute.

We admire the realistic and elaborate paintings from great painter,

At the same time, we love children's graffiti.

But why is'Anatomy' required by artists as a base?

Because Knowing Anatomy correctly, but there is a very big difference between breaking this fact for design reasons and drawing Anatomy as a habit without knowing it.

Anatomy is the most basic information to know how things move and evolved.

But here's another things that's as important as anatomy.

1. Deep understanding and affection for object 
2. Message we want to say to people
3. Much study and practice on how to express this

It takes a lot of time, and even no tutorial. 

Because there is no short cut. There are no ❌and ⭕️.

Like everyone, I am still on my artistic journey too :D

I like my snail drawing but I'm still thinking about how to draw Gastropods better.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm drawing with a habitual style...🧐

Thanks for reading!



You have to understand the rules if you’re going to break them in an appealing way! Experimental jazz music breaks many rules, but an untrained person cannot simply pick up an instrument and do whatever they want. It will not be jazz, it will simply be painfully bad! Art based on living things is like this too. You must break the rules with *intention*, not because you do not know them, or the results are not so appealing.


Oh! YES! This is so accurate! Your metaphor for jazz is PERFECT peggy! only my problem is I love the original animal's appearance so much, it's hard to break it down everytime😂


I love both of your snails, so cute 😄