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There are over 600 species of Rays, which means there were too many beautiful rays I wanted to draw😂So I decided to draw them in two canvas like Shark day.

Fish's eyes are in different positions from humans.

I like this difference, but I keep thinking about it when I describe it.

As you know, people feel familiar with something similar to themselves.

If I drew fish's eyes position like a human, it feels more friendly to public.

I showed it to my little sis, and she thought it was weird that cownose ray and Manta ray only had one eye.😅

So I add one more eye in final version

Ray name 

1. Undulate ray, Coffin ray, Southern stingray, Giant oceanic manta ray

2. Reticulate whipray, Smooth butterfly ray, Porcupine ray, Barndoor skate

3. Common torpedo, Thorny skate, Golden cownose ray, Ornate eagle ray, Spotted eagle ray

4. Mottled skate, Cownose ray, Big skate, Round ribbontail ray

5. Xingu river ray(white blotched river stingray), Atlantic guitarfish, Mekong freshwater stingray

You'll see 'Ray day 2' next week!
