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One thing I felt while I was looking for reference is that people and some media outlets describe them as deep sea monsters.

They're usually smaller than adults (50cm~150cm (2~ 4.9 ft) ), and they don't eat people.

I think people tend to feel spooky about deep-sea fish because of their dead body on the land. 

This made me choose a pastel-colored palette. I wanted to express them dreamy and shiny. Not a monster, not spooky fish.

Here is photo link about living Large-eyed rabbitfish. Look at their beautiful fins. 

Somehow I kept feeling they looked like a big corydoras catfish. 

They both live on the bottom, and they have sharp/toxin fin spines in their dorsal fins for defense.

* Tool/program : 

  • sketch ~ color thumbnail : procreate
  • paint : Adobe photoshop CC

Narrownose chimaera, Rabbit fish, Spotted ratfish, Whitespot ghost shark, Pointy-nosed Blue chimaera, Large-eyed rabbitfish, Leopard chimaera, Australian ghost shark

Next time, I'm going to draw ray fish as I said :D

After that,  I will probably draw a honeybee on August 15 if I don't miss it.

Thank you!




You did such a beautiful job with the colors!! I gasped when I saw it on twitter last night. Going to be using the wallpaper immediately <3 They totally do kind of look like corydoras..or perhaps whiptail catfish! :D


Happy to hear that! Awww whiptail catfish has wonderful long fins too XD Hehehe Thank you so much for using them as wallpaper too!


Oh speaking of deep sea with beautiful fins, have you ever seen blanket octopus? https://external-preview.redd.it/2bl51q_1JdtBkI9uO86GunJHjx6mYZnvaKAtZGg0NEQ.jpg?s=f99a004d53c144d4df2bd88e94adc5fe1d8ef5ef


Sure I looooove them! I drew them once :D https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-cephalopod-32826885