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It's a poll about  postcards design for October Reward. 

I'm gonna make the popular top 10 designs which get many votes!

(Squid tier : 10postcards for Reward shipping)

There are 24 artworks :D

Multiple voting is possible.

If there is no delay, it will be delivered in the second week of October.

Delivery may be delayed due to the prolonged COVID-19 situation. 

1. Please update / double check  your address. 

>>>>> Help center : How do I change my shipping address?   <<<<<<

Please refresh webpage after changing the address and check again. Many people forget to press the save button.

2. Please let me know if you are planning to move (Especially between mid-August and December. )

--------------Shipping update for U.S. residents--------------

In the case of the United States, I was looking for a way to send the package by the delivery company.

If you disagree to send package through the 3PL delivery company, please let me know until August 10th.

Delivery company required the cell phone number, so I would appreciate it if you could let me know your phone number, as a message, After checking your address.

Details will be announced at the 'July summary' post. (I'll post it within 10days)

If you have any question, send me a message. thanks!



I hope the chickens make it, I love them!! &lt;3


I voted for everything! I want them all! Will you be doing additional orders as well?


Thanks Aluvian! Unfortunately, I think i can't do this year. There are too many variables in the delivery because of the virus😭When the worldwide delivery become stable, I will try to make something.


Voted! Btw, Is there any wooden pins still available? They are so cute!


Thank you for understand :) and I thought I shouldn't take new orders because there are still some cases even where I haven't shipped additional orders in April. I hope worldwide shipping will be normal next year😭


Thanks Stephanie! Yes I have wooden pin stock, but this year there are many variables caused by the virus. so I have plan to open next additional orders when worldwide shipping become normal. More details : https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-reward-38487473


No worries! I’ll wait patiently and look forward to when additional orders open again :3


it was so hard to choose!! they are all adorable


I can't wait to order postcards! Fingers crossed that international shipping opens up soon so we can get other goodies too (but we understand if that's not happening!) :)


Thanks for understand Kim! I wish too😭 It's so sad that this virus thing has been going on for so long time.


Oh man I really want the giant hornet one SO BAD lol


Ahhhh I really want the chocolate reptiles but I see that it isn’t very popular. I hope more people vote for it!


This vote has just begun, so the results may change :) Thanks kelly!


I feel like nearly every one I voted for has such low votes sadly XD Dolphins are my favorite sea creatures so I had to vote for them... And of course, I love all the Jewel/Stone-related ones &lt;3 (My votes: 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 21, 22, 23)

Holly Lynn Walker

I know it's a long shot but I love the red-eared slider turtles with the hearts on their bellies. ❤


I'm surprised at the results, too! Whale days and Jewel shells were quite popular series on my social media. even I did the first test print with the jewel series, I thought they will get many voted😂The results may change as 70 percent of people have yet to vote! finger crossed for you


Go go giant hornet! Please win this time hahahaha 😂😂


Many pretty choices!

Christina Hathaway

I don't understand why 7 through 10 have so few votes, they have been my favorites for the past few months


Number 10 is very close to top ten!Hope the postcard you want wins, finger crossed :)