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I think the first representative shark image that pops up in the public is like a mackerel shark like Great white shark and ground sharks like hammerhead, blue shark.

Whale sharks are also famous, but Many people probably mistake them to whales😂

I knew there were a lot of sharks, but... I thought it was about 200 species. I know now there were over 500 species. Nature is always beyond imagination. 

There are so many different-looking sharks, and most of them are endangered. 

I'm thinking of mixing various sharks in chibi style at first, and then drawing a set of sharks that have something in common. It can be just 'hammerhead' or 'deep water', 'bottom dwellers'.

I wanted to complete it on the 14th, but the research took longer than I thought😂. (I still feel like I want to study more. The more research, more better!)

Perhaps it's possible if I don't sleep, but my thirties stamina artist body always wants enough sleep 😂😂.  Anyway You can see the finished picture within this week.  Thank you!




It makes me happy to see wobbegongs make an appearance. :) I think most people outside Australia/Oceania don't know them!


Oh, does that mean most Australians know about wobbegongs? That's amazing, too!


The blushing nurse shark and hammerhead with eyelashes are very cute 😂💖 I love whale sharks but I think all sharks need more love. It’s so cool that you do lots of research about them! And I understand wanting to have enough sleep. Even in my 20s I feel like I can’t live without lots of sleep 😂


I sang it before and I'll sing it again: BAAAABY shark todododo, baby shark todododo!~


I would DIE for that pink whale shark! ❤❤❤ I love how clearly you represent each breed, they're all so unique!


It was pinkfong song!!!!! I realized now 😂Did you know that the company is in Korea? I almost worked there together a long time ago. hahaha


20s need a lot of sleep too! I used to sleep three hours a day and draw pictures until I was 22, but it became impossible from my late 20s. I almost fainted for two days after drawing ACHN series last month😂


Glad you like my whaleshark sketch 😁💕Thank you so much Robyn!


I was going to say "oh my god seriously?!" But then it hit me that your artstyle (especially the sharks!) Remind me of Baby Shark!! Why didnt you work for them? If I may ask?


I used to do some animation background work in Korea and had a lot of related portfolios about oceans😁. So they contact me and offered me about background artwork. At that time, I really needed money so I wanted to do it but all their work was vector-based!(my artwork is raster) And besides that, there were some conditions like all copyright transfers. that's the reason😁


Yes, they're quite common here. I think many Australians have seen them in the wild (though they are hard to spot with their camouflage!).


Omg the chibi sharks are so cute. <33 I didn't know there were this many species either, that's amazing. Looking forward to the finished artwork! Make sure you get enough sleep though, sleep is important. :)


Thank you Sasha! I will🥰💕 I'm just sad that I can't draw all over 500 kinds now! But also happy even if you draw many this month, it means there are still many sharks left thatI haven't drawn yet🥰


yess i love sharks, if you hadn't guessed haha. love the whale shark and i thin the lemon shark design is gonna be super cute


i love all these! i cant wait to see finished versions


I am living for the blushy hammerhead 😍😍


Thank you galaxyvalkyrie :) I'm drawing that now so you can see them soon 💕


Hahaha yes, every time I saw your old nickname, I thought I wanted to draw more sharks. The lemon shark's name is cute too and the fact that they actually look like lemon in the water fascinated me.

Alli En

OMG, "I'm cute" hammerhead baby, I love him 😭


I’m in tears because these are SO CUTE 😭😭😭


I had to wrote that because hammerhead are so cute!😂💕Thank you so much alli!

Nannah N

SHARKS!! they’re so cute!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sleep is important!! XD Sharks can wait, I think they are very patient and want you to take your time with your shark study OuO


It is very exciting to know more about them. Shark are such an interesting animals! Thank you Jellywish :D