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>>>> poll link <<<< (~14. JUNE)


Here are number one, number two, and number three in the poll now. 

This is still a small margin that can be changed, considering that half the patreon have not yet voted!

If you haven't voted yet, please do it💕

It's available do multiple votes, and also you can change your decision.

I think some of you guys are sad because your favorite pin design might have less vote😭

I'm sorry I can't make all the pins, I will try to make a better design next time.

Still you can change your decision/do multiple vote for the design you want more among the designs that are likely to win :D

Especially since Moon snail and Giant hornet are pins that feel quite different, I am looking forward to which one will win!

Like so far, the second popular pin will have a chance at the next vote.

Thank you! 




Honestly, even if my favorite doesn’t win, I’ll still be super happy because all your designs are so cute and amazing!!!! Any of the designs that win will be perfect! 🥰 I just love your work! (Go go harlequin shrimp! 🦐 💪🏽)


Thank you very much Sophia! shrimp is not win this time, but I personally really like all the shrimp, so I'll keep working on in the future :) maybe someday they can win!


the battle illustration is so funny😂😂😂