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Me and my mom learned new English word.

I used two circle to draw many birds in the same size. (In reality, they are slightly different in size of course.)

So their poses are all different, but give a sense of unity.

Color thumbnail


As I begin to draw a particular species, I screenshot the reference.

It's 10~30 photos on the page of google search.

Because I didn't decide the movement by looking at some specific photos, I drew the character's movement first and then set the species, so I need to look at it from various angles.

Tit species

  • African blue tit, Coal tit, Yellow-bellied tit, Great tit, Fire-capped tit, Elegant tit, Sultan tit
  • Père David's tit, Yellow tit, Green-backed tit, Varied tit, Yellow-cheeked tit, Chestnut-backed chickadee
  • Mountain chickadee, Rufous-vented tit, Eurasian blue titmouse, Marsh tit, Yellow-browed tit, Tufted titmouse, European crested tit
  • Azure tit, White-winged black tit, White-naped tit, White-fronted tit, Rufous-bellied tit, Palawan tit

They are live in Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa😁


This poll is almost over, but there's not much difference in votes. 

Your vote maybe can change the result, check it out :D

* Pin vs Charm vs Tape poll 

Thank you!




aww the birds are so cute and colorful~ my sister has a friend who loves birds so i'll show her these on twitter


Aw! Thank you so much share my works with your sister's friend, Safa 😘


my favourite bird in this family is the black-capped chickadee. there are lots of them in my neighbourhood, they're so small that you often can't see them in the trees but you can hear the chicka-dee-dee-dee calls :D


Because they are not in our area, I search their voices on youtube and they are so cute. In Korea, the sound of birds crying is called 'jjack jjack'😂It sounds like this to me.