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* Sticker vs Eyeglass cloth poll will be over soon. Check it out!

It's Poll for Squid tiers's basic rewards on Oct. 


I think most of it will be okay, but the prolonged COVID19 crisis has made me 100 percent unsure whether I'll be able to get the stuff I'll make in the future from Manu on time.

Wooden pin, for example, is made in the UK, Indeed they were much later, so I couldn't provide the reptile and salmon wooden pin I had prepared.

It's a difficult time to predict something. That's the one of reason I prepare next reward early. 

I hope not, but  if there will be problem, I'll make a second most-voted product or just vote again.

Here are sample photos what I made before!

1. Wooden pin

* More wooden pin photos 

Manu said their wooden pin use 20 to 24 times less energy to produce than enamel pins :D

2. Enamel pin

Enamel pin always won the vote

What will happen this time?

3. Acrylic charm

Although they lost by a small margin in the last vote, but how about this time?

Sample's size is 5cm (2inches Double printed Glitter epoxy). 

As basic rewards, size will be changed later (probably smaller than 2inch.. I'm thinking about 1~1.5inch.)

4. Washi Tape

I already have many designs that go well with wash tapes😏

If the tape wins, there are a lot of design for votes😁


Product details like the type of coating/hologram, size, length..

It can change depending on the design style and Production environment. 

Thank you!

*Multiple votes available! 



I couldn't choose between wooden or enamel pins! they both have a different style that I love. I love the salamander pins!


I’m happy with anything because they’re all so cute. But I really love the way the wooden pins turned out this time, so I would love to see that again!


Thank you so much Kelly! I love wooden pin too :D go wooden pin go!