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Hello guys! 

I received the pin from manu today.

Here are photos I took myself!

Backing Card

I ordered them on end of December and it really took me a long time to get it😂

Anyway, now I got the pin, I'm gonna ship it to my longtime supporters in next week first!


There is one more information for $5pledge New patreon 

(no applicable to $1 and $3 tier and patreon before March 2020.)

****** The shipment of New $5pledge patreon - who started become patreon from March 2020 - may delay 3 ~ 7 week because of enamel pin stock problem. 

Unfortunately, My manu didn't produce all the quantities I ordered.

They didn't tell me beforehand, so I just found out now.

They says many of the factory's producers didn't returned due to coronavirus.

And it takes longer than 20 days for them to make the rest of pin.

As you know, I promised to ship in order from the second week of April.

It's early March now, so if there's no further delay than they said, I can ship it in April as scheduled.

I don't think it's going to be a big problem, but it can be delayed in case.

If so, I will make another announcement and hope you understand. 

I prepared a reward early in preparation for various case like holiday or sickness, but I never unexpected things like viruses. Many people all over the world, including where I live, are having a hard time right now, so take care of yourself.

I'm super fine by the way😉

Thank you!



Tony Richmond

The pins turned out beautiful! Stay safe over there. ❤️


Don't worry about the late shipments, we can all wait. Thanks for the beautiful art :)


Thank you for your kindness Thirtysix! your package will not delay 😁


These are beautiful! Delays are totally understandable. Stay safe, and thank you as always for your beautiful work <3


Thanks Elaori! you one one of my long time supporter so i'll send your package on March 😉💕


hope you can stay safe!


They look so beautiful!!! And don't you worry about the delays. We totally understand! I'm just glad that you're safe. Thank you for everything, as always. 💕


Thank you always Aluvian! I'll send your package on before April😁Take care too!


Oooh! That Coronavirus is a beast. I don't mind waiting ever. Delays never bother me. 💜💜💜 I don't know how you keep up with all your patreons. You may be the most organized person I know. 🤭🥰


The backing card is so cute, you made the chrysalis look like a cute baby😂 I hope you, your family and friends all stay safe. Your health is most important. Hwaiting!!💖💕💕


Hehe your package will not delay :D Petreon is my everything, I care about this place the most. thanks to you PastelHiccups :)


Hahaha Chrysalis are definitely not adults so they are baby😂😂Thank you so much for kind words Kelly! Yay, Hwaiting😂💪💕


The pin turned out so well! I love the design and the backing card is so pretty! Don’t worry if there is a delay. This virus has caused so many challenges in many areas so I totally understand. Stay healthy and take care of yourself 😊


Thank you very much Christin :D I packed your packaged and I'll send it tomorrow hehe, stay safe!


Pretty! :D


the pins look great!! I'm glad you're staying safe <3


Thank you very much Rax! Take care too! (by the way I sent your package yesterday!)


how beautiful! i LOVE that backing card.


Going through your old posts and I'm sad I missed out on this pin! Luna moths are native to where I grew up, and they are some of my favorites. Do you think you would ever sell a remake of it in a secret shop in the future?


Unfortunately, the ones made with patreon rewards are limited editions, so I have no plans to re-create them. I sent you more information to message.

D. Alfonso

Hey; I'm going through old posts because of links in her Secret Shop post. She's selling B-grades right now in her "secret shop"!


Hehe If I remember correctly, frankie had previously bought it at the secret shop🥰💕