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This is my final series of Jewel shell animals for the time being :D

If you're followed me on Twitter, you might have found those hermit crab earlier.

The light of my jewel illust/GIF is not scientifically accurate.

I just watch how they shine, and I get the feeling from them.

Some Reference Video Source : Star Sapphire /  Musgravite / Sunstone 

In case of the Sunstone and Fire Agate, I added my imagination.

Fire Agate imagined a hot bubble, and Sunstone imagined a warm, hopeful feeling of light given by its name☀️

WIP gif

Because of hermit crab's eyes,  the background is bright color this time.

Animation guide

4 Frames for happy fire agate crab.

Added more light... 

I didn't like the light effects in Musgravite one, so I completely erased them and did it again.

Hm....  modified light effect looks much better😁

There were many requests for making this as a sticker pack, so maybe they become stickers... I am consider it.  

I'm not sure decided 100% yet, but for this, they are expressing more emotions than before.

This weekend is the biggest holiday here. 

Happy Lunar new year to all of you 💕 

(It's a picture of a lucky bag. 福 means lucky, happy, joy )


1 mobile wallpaper & 1 desktop wallpaper. 

From now on, I've made more space from edge, so that the picture won't be cut in the 19:9 ratio smart phone!

If you have any problem, please let me know! 

I attached JPG for mobile user :D

Desktop wallpaper(and mobile wallpapers too) are in zip.file.

File attachment! 👇




these are WAY too cute~! love them. have a great New Year!


Hope you had a great Lunar New Year and got some rest on your holidays! 💙 These crabbies are too cute too, love their movements.