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Hi, everyone!

In February, we were able to see many sample photo of reward!

Postcard / Holographic Sticker / Wooden pin 

And you know you can choose postcards now, right?

1. Choose Your Rewards

If you haven't picked a postcard yet, here's the link.

It's until the 10th, so pick postcards before that :D

2. Additional Order

Here are some announcements about additional orders.

Because of the coronavirus19, acrylics charms are unable to produce new ones this time. I'm really sorry if I've been waiting for the new charms. Instead, I was going to prepare some more salmon and reptile wooden pin and promised receive them this week but I received a message from manu yesterday that even this would be delayed much more because there was a produce problem😭 (not virus, they said they do something wrong..) it was unexpected.😢

I decided to produce some more postcards and holographic sticker sheet for additional order - which is made in Korea and do not have long manufacturing time.

I'm going to the post it within 1~2days if there is no problem.

3. Telegram sticker and GIF

I made Shy Shrimp  telegram sticker this time :D

And I also updated my latest chocolate reptile on Giphy

If you search for  'pikaole' in GIF section, you can use it.

--------------- Desktop icon pack(from $3teirs)  ------------

---------------------- Wallpaper---------------------- 

----------------------Stickers and themes ----------------------

iMessage sticker

Galaxy Theme (only samsumg galaxy phone available)

Telegram sticker (NEW!)




Thank you so much for all your work ❤, and don't worry for the reward problems, i support you for your wonderful work not for the rewards (even if it's a great plus ;) )


Ohh... Thank you so much for your kindness Apolline :D It means world for me!


I'm so sorry that you've been having so many troubles! Know that you and your work are loved no matter what!


Don't worry too much about the additional orders, stickers and postcards are great too! We will get charms next time, when the situation is better!!


Thank you Jellywish! now I am designing new sticker sheet, you can check them soon :D


Oh no! I'm so sorry you've been having these troubles! But don't worry! We totally understand. Thank you for always working so hard for us 💕


Thank you Aluvian! I remember you said you liked acrylic😭(and you bought charms from me). I'm sorry I couldn't prepare this time.


That is absolutely not your fault! You have nothing to worry about. I am more than happy to wait until next time. Your art is always worth it!


Sorry you had so much trouble, it's not your fault! Thank you for another month of amazingly cute creatures. <3


I'm sorry for all your troubles ;; however I am really excited about the stickersheets!!!


You really love stickers Ray😁💕 Glad I made them! I'll share new stickers sample photo soon :D

Kiltia Valendia

It sounds like you've had a tough time, but these things were unexpected so there's no need to worry! Besides, everything you make is really cute and lovely so no matter what it's all good! ♡


It really gives me strength to say Kiltia! Thank you so much for your kindness😘💕

Divi (Lovewin)

Oh noooo. Sounds like things are rough. Ouu snakes are an option possibly?m


Originally they were included in Additional order, but now I don't know even when I can get them😭. And I think that I can't check the quality at this stage, so I think can't sell it this cycle. but if they come out well, they will available next time.

Udina (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-03 01:38:33 So sorry that the little drawing with the crying faces made me laugh! Unexpected things happen, but not worry too much <3 We'll wait patienly for next time too~
2020-02-22 18:46:17 So sorry that the little drawing with the crying faces made me laugh! Unexpected things happen, but not worry too much <3 We'll wait patienly for next time too~

So sorry that the little drawing with the crying faces made me laugh! Unexpected things happen, but not worry too much <3 We'll wait patienly for next time too~


Thanks for understanding Udina: D I'll get ready sooner next time💪