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WIP gif

There were no spiders in the first sketch, but I suddenly thought it would be fun to add them.

Spider crab and Crab spider 🦀

In my country and japan, we called Spider crab to 'Long legged crab (키다리게, タカアシ(高足)ガニ)

The dictionary says they have the longest legs among all arthropods.

I changed the color because I felt the color I chose first was something wrong...

in this case, mostly it's brightness of color..

It's easy to check if we turn it black and white.  

I think there's less Christmas decorations, so.

And I put in a simple animation effect.

Animating Christmas lights  bulb is a very simple and super effective to gave holiday feeling.

Japanese spider crab, crab spider and Ephyra (Jellyfish baby)

They are good crab and spider .

Thank you!




The little spider is so cute!!! In French we call the spider crab 'sea spider' (Araignée de mer). We often name sea animals like that... Sea turtle, sea cucumber, sea horse, sea lion, sea cow... Not very original 😅 (but funny nonetheless)


Hahahah we are very similar too! I think it's good because it's easy to remember and also funny :D


these are all so cute~! I especially love the japanese spider crab, haha.