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Reference video : Tardigrades : Chubby, Misunderstood, & Not Immortal (Youtube link)

Tardigrades Are the Toughest Animal on Earth / The Dodo (Youtube link)

WIP gif

In the video, their movement look like baby pigs too 💕

And they eat algae and moss..

So I use pink & green, and also add blue for a mystical feeling😏

They have eight legs, but I omitted for design reasons.

Animation wip

Well, at first... I thought about making simple pattern.

But sometimes when I characterize animals too much, people will be confused by whether they are real animals or not.

The waterbears one of their biggest characteristics is movement.

So I added simple animation effect as usual.

Add some gloss (3frame)

Add leg's movement (6 frame)

+ Up and down

It's very interesting that these little creatures are everywhere in the world.

Thank you!




I love them <3 I saw when you posted them on Twitter too and they are so super cute. I just want to hug them. And well, I suppose they're everywhere so I *technically* can but you know what I mean :P


🤣Thank you so much Jen! Hehe Understand! I think they love hugs too 😉So *technically* they could hug you!


These are the best. They make me so happy.


😘💕I'm so glad it made you happy! Welcome to be my patreon Erica💕