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At first, I was going to draw like this, but...

Somehow I felt like they were the stuffed animals.

I want the animals I draw is always look alive.

So I turned each moth a little bit.

But still it felt like stuffed insect collection to me.

I started drawing this picture earlier than the luna  & rosy maple moth I drew a few days ago.

I didn't like this part, so I thought I couldn't finish it. So I stopped for a while.

After then I thought, let's just make it into an animation GIF😁

It's the surest way to show that they're alive.

WIP gif

There are many different patterns and colors of moth, so there is no facial expression. 

I think If I draw face here , it's hard to recognize and make picture too complex.

This is a faster version. 

Final version is slower than this.

Moth name list (I drew all the moths recommended from patreon)

  • Puriri moth
  • Blue tiger moth
  • Chinse moon moth
  • Garden tiger moth
  • Malaysian moon moth
  • Venezuelan poodle moth
  • Oriental blue clearwing moth
  • scarlet bodied wasp moth
  • White-lined sphinx moth (hummingbird moth)
  • Atlas moth
  • Japanese moon moth
  • Narrow-border five spot moth
  • Giant leopard moth
  • Elephant hawk moth
  • Io moth

Now I am going to move on to the next animals..

I'll draw a beetle or butterfly in the next series 🤔

Or could focus to drawing fish again ... as usual😁

Also there are so many nice moths that I haven't painted yet, and most of all, there are so many colorful and interesting caterpillars. Want to draw a caterpillar someday in the future😁

Thank you!


2 mobile wallpapers & 2 desktop wallpapers. 

If you have any problem, please let me know! 

I attached JPG for mobile user this time!

Desktop wallpaper(and mobile wallpapers too) are in zip.file.

File attachment! 👇




They’re all so beautiful! I love the way their wings flutter in the gif. It feels mysterious and playful


Glad you like GIFs! Moth are such a mysterious animals.. Thanks kelly!


I'm so in love with each and every one of this new drawing, so much vivid colours * o *