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I sketched out Wikipedia's picture as a reference.

It was one of the ideas I had when I drew a boxfish (box and boxfish)

Banana & Banana cichlid

Butterfly & butterflyfish

Jellyfish & Jelly

Sea cucumber & cucumber

Melon sea urchin & melon

Sea apple & apple.... etc (sea apple is sea cucumber)

It would be fun to draw with cucumber because some of them looked like a real cucumber

In our country, we call sea cucumber 'sea ginseng (It's a precious herb)' by the way.

There is a fish that lives in sea cucumbers...

Pearlfish hides inside a sea cucumber (Youtube link)

It's an amazing symbiotic relationship :)

Well, I didn't draw more cucumbers than I thought. but I'm going to use green that reminds of cucumbers.

They don't have eyes, so I didn't draw in the first sketch...
But It felt a little scary, so I ended up drawing the face.

Draw face or not <- I think about this sometimes..such as when I draw a jellyfish.

Now I'm almost leaning towards drawing face. 

I want people to feel friendly about them 😜



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