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This is the idea sketch of freshwater fish and plants.

I'm doing a new aquarium setting now, so I'm thinking water plants all day.

Most plants in this picture are microsorium and anubias nana plant what I have.

I use sand for my corydoras, so I decorated my tank with flowerpots or driftwood, rocks, coconut shells.

WIP gif


This time I drawing some fresh water fish that I did not paint yet like platy, gourami, angelfish.

I chose yellow and orange fish in this stage.

Hmmm ... Fish color may change later.






Oh how I love freshwater fish! I miss my golden gourami ;-; Her name was Tinkerbell and she was the boss of a 55 gallon. Apistogrammas are so gorgeous. These are super cute & the colors are very pretty, although I'm sure they'll be great if you change them too! <3


Oh, that 's a wonderful name! I can imagine she shines in a big tank. Yes, Apistogrammas , I love them. I never raise cichlids yet, but they are so gorgesus.


Loving it! I like that here they look more free and not as contained as they seemed in the little terrariums.


Thanks Udina! The ocean terrarium series was an impossible fantasy, but this time I did not frame it because I drew the actual plants and fish :)