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[wallpaper] Snake-necked turtle

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Cactus tortoise WIP (Oct8)

I thought about what color to choose for about an hour. Personally, I was drawn to a more bluish background because they are often in the water. But in the end, I decided to go with a color similar to the box turtle I drew before. They are mostly brown so the earthy color really suits them.

I plan on drawing more turtles, so it would be a good idea to unify the background color and then create a combined version later. Most turtles have earthy tones, so I think this color would suit them well.

This is roughly the color palette.

There are many times when I draw spontaneously without making this... If I don't create a color palette, I unconsciously try to use too many colors.

They have dark shells, mostly brown and gray, and have beige or yellow bellies.

Green is moss. I added moss to the shells of some turtles.

I was debating whether or not to draw the toenails in the drawing post, but I added them because I really like toenails lol. Instead, I drew the feet round to give them a round feel. In fact, because the webbed feet are flat feeling, it would have been more similar to draw them in a square shape. When I did red ear sliders, I drew flat and square...



I've always liked drawing hearts on turtles' belly :D

 They look almost the same but there is a difference in the length of their necks.

Giant snake-necked turtles can extend their necks longer than their shells

These are baby turtles. The color is a little different from that of adults. As adults, our bellies become brighter, but babies have black bellies. If you look at the picture, it looks incredibly small and cute.

In reality, the skin color and body color are almost the same dark color, but when drawing, the colors were different to distinguish the sides.

According to Wiki, oblong turtles have a wide range of vocalizations. so I drew them with their mouths open and making some noise. I was really curious about that, so I tried to look for the sound, but I couldn't find it on YouTube 😅 I wonder what they would sound like.


I like the way they wrap their long necks around their bodies... hmm... but now that I look at it again, I kind of regret not changing the angle to express it better 😅 

Reimann's snake-necked turtle (Chelodina reimanni)

This turtle's wiki description had just one line: 'Pictures of them consistently denote a smiling face', and I loved that 😂

Thank you very much!



Diana Bukowski

I love all the little hearts on their bellies! ♥


i love when you share WIPs because you tend to give more info about the subjects! plus seeing changes through the process is neat :)


Hehe, I'm trying to share as much as I can. Thinking about it, there was a time when I only uploaded gifs in the very beginning... I like sharing my thoughts with you all like this now. Thank you for reading!