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[drawing] Succulent 1

[drawing] Succulent 2

[wallpaper] Baby succulent 1

I plan to draw this as a series. I'll make 2 ~ 4 more versions and ultimately create a combined version.I'm thinking it would be nice to draw about 70~100 if possible. I already drew 20 this time, so... 😆

 The blue line is Haworthia

Light green is aloe.

There was so much text that I debated whether or not to use it in the final version, but I decided to use it. Because... the plant name is so cool.

When I was very young, there was a Sansevieria laurentii pot in my house.

This time I found out that there are so many different types.

What I've drawn is just a small portion, and there are many more diverse succulent plants.

 I drew three legs (roots) of Haworthia. I thought it would be cute to differentiate a bit.

Everyone is sparkling and so pretty.

We are familiar with aloe as a medicine or cream. The way they turn red is really pretty.

While studying, I saw that plant lovers call Aloe suprafoliata 'mustache aloe.' That's the reason i gave it a mustache to them.

Aloe arenicola's leaves are so heavy that it seems to grow lying down. So I drew it to look like it was sleeping.

It's really cool to see the Quiver tree fully grown. I recommend searching and looking at the photos. Because it is a baby, I drew it small, but in reality it is really huge and cool succulent plant.

 Agave is called '龍舌蘭' here, which means dragon's tongue.

I learned that it is also called century plant, which is a really cool name too.

Now that I think about it, Yucca seems familiar to me for some reason, and there was a flower pot in Animal Crossing.

Thank you!



Veronika Lampion

i usually look at posts in my mail but I had to come here to tell you that I looooove when the names of the creatures or plants are next to them. For one I think it makes for a fancier design, and second I would never know or remember all the names, hanging up a postcard I can't put a paper next to it with a list of their names either... I just want all the names on the art, always 😂❤️


Thank you for leaving a comment! One of the purposes of my art is to let people know that there are various creatures in this world, and I want people to look for them, so these days I am trying to write name as much as possible. I'm lucky because there's someone who looks at the pictures and text as carefully as you do 😁💙


love how excited that yucca is XD