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Hey guys!

Here is the next experimental build for 0.3.0! You can download the Windows and Android build from either the Dropbox link or the Google Drive links below. Let me know if the links work. NOTE: The Android build may erase all your progress.

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/li54yh10fb03nsww65l1w/h?rlkey=lkjwizikq64tzpuzxk1175ysr&dl=0

Windows: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CShpS6lHtkmYYHexREkcAOXMU0RyyG4q/view?usp=sharing

Android: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RZ96bovj8fRZuakLPWOjO-qxuhEN_KXa/view?usp=sharing

I suppose I kind of did go on a long break from the game development, but I'm trying to get back to it while keeping it easy. I hope you guys enjoy this experimental build. Please provide feedback and let me know of any issues and bugs.

Big thanks to LalinOwlArts for two new backgrounds: Mistfil Caverns and improved Wandering Meadows!

Key Features:

  • I added the new Perch sex scene where a spirit penetrates you in the perching position. You can be male or female, and even the spirit can be male or female (the female spirit will be wearing a strapon).
  • I also added the Background Spirit Interaction Minigame. This feature allows players to be able to mate with spirits more earlier in Story Mode. How it works is that you find a randomly generated spirit while searching an area or right after traveling, and you try to build your relationship with the spirit in 7 turns. The minigame is similar to the Negotiation Minigame in Persona 5 where you have to select the correct answers based on the spirit's personality. Depending on how well you did, you can either ask for spirit light, item or sex.
  • I added an ability for the player called "Spirit Vision". This item, when activated, allows you to have a better chance of finding rarer items while searching an area. It can also allow you to cheat in Hide and Seek and Match the Item minigames. Mostly importantly, it allows you to turn on the internal view during sex! Note that this feature only works in Regular and Blowjob scenes for now.
  • I added more customization for the player character including one type of hair style! You can also change the hair color. The only other thing that the player is missing is a face.
  • I added a new scene called the Mistfil Caverns. I have plans for this scene, but for now you are able to mate there as well as find Pikajota mushrooms.
  • Speaking of, I also added Pikajota mushrooms. Unfortunately, you can't feed them to spirits; only give them. You can eat them, but they don't really do anything to you, yet.
  • I also added new events, a new outfit, many voice lines, some misc additions that I may be missing on this list, some improvements, and some bug fixes.

Other Notes:

  • The Blowjob sex scene is unavailable at the start, but it can be unlocked by completing the "You Teach Me and I'll Teach You" event. This event is only activated by chatting with Ori when he/she is available to mate. I'll have to think about how else this event can be activated such as a dating feature.
  • From the last experimental build, you can play as a female character. The Perch sex scene is the only scene available for the female player.


  • Added new sex scene "Perch".
  • Added Flo, Sean, and Haru to Blowjob sex scene.
  • Added new event "You Teach Me and I'll Teach You".
  • Added new event "All's Not Well But Ends Well".
  • Added new event "Maybe I Do Like It".
  • Added Background Spirit Interaction Minigame.
  • Added new scene: "Mistfil Caverns".
  • Added new item "Spirit Vision".
  • Added internal view for Regular and Blowjob sex scenes.
  • Added femjuice squirts in sex scenes.
  • Added more player customization.
  • Added new outfit "Pink Shirt".
  • Added new item "Spirit Stone".
  • Added new item "Pikajota Mushroom".
  • Added new tree blessing: "Relationship II".
  • Added gender pronoun "They/Their/Them" for player and spirit.
  • Added many voice lines for Ori, Flo, Sean and Haru.
  • Added foreground and updated background for Wandering Meadows.
  • Added improvements and bug fixes.

Final Note:

The latest experimental build is the last one for 0.3.0. The next build will be the actual release.



Only a couple of minutes in at this point, but there is already a bunch of fresh dialogue. Also, my man Sein got a mention. This bout to be good.

random user

For future animations you might want to create an extra menu that specified if you're on the receiving end or not.