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Update: Added fixes for both Windows and Android versions. You can download them again from the same dropbox link.

  • Fixed Sean disappearing after 2nd time trying to interact with him.
  • Fixed Haru being replaced by Sean if cancel playing a minigame.
  • Fixed stockings on Haru.
  • Fixed Spirit Tree background.
  • Fixed Sean mating dialogue.
  • Added Sean voice clips in shop.

Here it is finally! The first experimental build for v0.3.0! Please let me know if you are able to download the Windows and Android builds in this Dropbox folder. The features in this build are not fully complete so there are a few important things to keep in mind!

  • The new mating scene is only for default female/male Ori. If you try that mating scene with the other spirit characters, you'll get... weird things. I'll work on adding other spirits to the scene.
  • There are a lot of voiceline clips in the game but only a few are implemented in some dialogue.
  • You can play a female human! This is an experiment and not fully tested so play as a female at your own risk! Oh, and if you try to mate with a spirit as a female human, it'll only display "You and spirit have sex".
  • Because there are many voiceline clips, the scenes take much longer to load on Android so I'll have to find some way to optimize it.


  • Added new mating scene: Blowjob.
  • Added a new spirit character: Haru.
  • Added a new scene: Cedar Streams.
  • Added a new minigame: Racing.
  • Added new dialogue for Ori, Flo, Sean, and Haru.
  • Added a new weather: Cloudy.
  • Added some voice lines for Ori, Flo, Sean, and Haru (not complete).
  • Can change your pronoun.
  • Can be a female human (Experimental).
  • Added the common mushroom.
  • Added a new outfit: Pink Thigh Highs.
  • Added a new outfit: Heart Pendant.
  • Can mate with Flo in the rain if at your home.
  • Added other small bug fixes and improvements.

How to meet the new character:

  • Search the area at your home. You'll randomly discover a path to a new location.
  • Go to the new location.

How to get the new mating scene:

  • You have to be able to mate with Ori.
  • Chat with him/her until she asks you to go to the lake with her.

After the event, the new mating scene is unlocked.



Shared with Dropbox



omgggg changing the human's pronouns aaa :D ✨️ also big update omg can't wait to test it


oh boi, there goew my entire evening plans

fantamon11 games

I love the game but the apk version close when i start a mating scène, so i warn you (i'm Bad in english so sorry if this IS difficult to inderstand)


Hi @crocusboi I am trying to play through the game, and I have encountered a minor inconvenient bug and major gamebreaking bug: Minor: Aspect ratio of the spirit tree location is tiny Major: After interacting with Sean for the second time on day 4 spring to buy some shit in order to make him available for further interaction and exiting the shop => when he effectively walks off screen and the game tries to default back to normie lake screen the entire dialouge bar disappears and I am stuck in the lake area for eternity. Other than that, when I first heard the voices my immersion had a hard reality check reset haha: https://youtu.be/zfn4JlGG7Sg?t=14

Bliss Cuddle pone

the bj scene is kinda bugged for android version

Dark Nexus

The apk download won't open to allow me to update the game for me on Android...


TFW Sean has a sexy man voice: https://youtu.be/t_TQ0rATVTw?t=6 TFW it is not Sterotypically irish: https://youtu.be/rX5UOcuSPk4?t=96 TFW you are doing a monogamy playthrough and another spririt declares love: https://youtu.be/mnDNo0cD_mc


NEW BUG SPOTTED: Whenever I give an aoutfit to someone they go "sorry man, already have that one lol". They do switch into it tho, but they seem to own everything in the game haha EDIT: In the blowjob scene, the legs are white skin colour while the rest of the body is the color I chose. It looks pretty funny but it sure is distracting haha. Also, (already know that iy has been adressed already, but seeing ori (bodytype 2) give me a brainjob is pretty lmao. A suggestion for circumventing the problem of different bodytypes somewhat might be to have the MC sit down, and the spirit lie in their lap. THat way the head and arms will always be in the same spot

Bliss Cuddle pone

That's the one it's bugged on flo is almost centered but ori is way below it


Last addition from my end, finished the new version. A very nice number of editions, this game is quickly rising in quality. Might just become one of the more ambitious and "real" furry porn visual novels ever haha. I only have four other showerthoughts to add: 1: Haru's mother to the Nibel spirit tree: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u0tpm5sUcCs?feature=share 2: The MC during that one quest: https://youtu.be/bZzCudiugIU 3: Not sure why, but Haru makes me feel like he is going to do something very sinister to me all the time: https://youtu.be/bnmAi53H520 4: According to haru hybrid lore, a human/spirit hybrid would be this, which would be pretty dope looking: https://www.deviantart.com/13bluemoon228/art/Human-Ori-861380003. I guess their superpower would be pretty nerfed/lame tho, like "Spirit sweat" haha since humans aren't inherently anything and their main feature outside of big brain and hand dexterity is being able to sweat and run for long distances,


I hope Ori can change the outfit to be like Haru,or get a female version of Haru


Sean's spirit outline can be glitched to default white around torso and upper arm section during mating scene at Your Home even if you have changed your color different