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I went ahead and added several fixes, added a small feature, made some minor changes, and improved the dialogue in The Spirits of Sabil game. You can download and play the v0.2.1a version from the links below. Please let me know if you face any issues or find any additional bugs. I'll be releasing this update to itch.io soon. No charge for this post.

Windows: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K4C-s56vNEc99Au12TnoP_urJTUtnMdo/view?usp=share_link

Android: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1439V0MiT7KTox6QZI2pk3s0G7Q2ATR-C/view?usp=share_link

Updates for 0.2.1a:

  • Removed swimming alone.
  • Added labels for the gender and genitalia options.
  • Fixed the Spirit Tree location not showing in the notebook UI.
  • Flo greets you with your pet name.
  • Fixed Ori not wanting to mate on your birthday during a thunderstorm.
  • Fixed getting items for mating.
  • Fixed and improved dialogue and text.
  • Spirits say your pet name during sex.
  • Can skip dialogue up to the next menu choices.
  • Changed title layout.


random user

Do you accept lore suggestions from the community? I got a few I think would be interesting and would help flesh out the game a bit, and add a bunch of good events to make the game more interactive. 1. Void entity that is battled or fended off to prevent the blinding from happening to the forest, (it is essentially this black-hole like character that is a mouth or something, and it's darkness blots out the light and energy of forests causing the "blinding". Strong spirit energy will ward it off, and by keeping the spirit tree strong the spirits use this as a way of keeping it away, you could use donations in the form of light orbs to keep the tree strong, and add an event where it is a seasonal event of spirits collecting spirit orbs on 1 day each season to donate to the spirit tree and keep it strong as appreciation for the protection against the void. You can probably add both, and just add an area outside the current map where the human can go to help fight off the Void and collect spirit light for the spirit tree in Sabil. The void entity Essentially eats the spirit essence , and absorbs the spirits positive life-forces blinding the forest and moving onto other forests. Since most if every spirit is new to seeing or talking to a human, the human could be an exception and the human can bring new ways to defend the forest(s), from this entity. And earn much more admiration from all the spirits, the spirit tree and other entities occupying the forest.). 2. Corrupted Spirits: These are spirits that were brought back to life in a corrupted state by the Void from blinded forests of the past that it had ruined. They are zombies in a sense, killed, then brought back as these deeply changed and corrupted entities that look nothing like their original forms. They are twisted and damaged entities that only feel negative emotions like pain, anger, fear, etc, and feeling them in much greater senses than their previous bodies could handle. Their bodies and image are twisted as well from their new forms, and their previous powers are also effected. They also spread these negative emotions through damage they cause to the lands they invade. (They can be redeemed by the player character and brought into the forest as new spirit inhabitants. It could also add a new character or teo to the mix, and they can talk about glimpses of what it was like to be a twisted spirit, the forest they were a part of before the destruction, adding to the lore of the game. The spirit tree in game talks about defending the spirits and the forest, this could give meaning to the words the spirit tree talks about when she says defend the forest and be a good way for the player character to actually defend the spirits. It also can add some extra events to the game that will help flesh out the game more. You can also make it so that misc spirits are constantly redeemed outside the forest walls and these spirits are "too shy" or "too scared" to interact with the player character due to him being human. So you don't always need to make a new sprite character for each salvation of the twisted spirits. You can also make the human a nessicary character in the lore of the game, by being the only entity capable of converting a twisted spirit back to it's normal state. You can also add a location in the current forest that houses these new converted refugee spirits where the human can interact with the main sprite ones, and the other converted spirits play games and help from afar the human when he visits them as an appreciation from saving them from their twisted existence caused by the Void. Spirit tree can show her gratitude towards you, and there can be an event where the new refugee spirit is inducted into the forest as it's new home, and Ori can talk about her/his memories with the player about what it was like first being in Sabil, and fleshing out that side of the story a bit more.) 3. Different forests, and travel to different forest locations for items and knowledge on the void. (This can be done much later, but this would be good to see.)

random user

Also, 1 more thing, there is a glitch where I don't have the option to donate spirit orbs to the spirit tree anymore, and can't donate anymore. You might want to fix that before it goes into a .io