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It is time to vote on the next artpiece! This one is going to be SFW.

The requesters have submitted their ideas and the ideas are listed below. Please vote for the idea that you want me to make a simple artpiece of for the month (you can vote for more than one)! It will be a celshaded artpiece with a simple background. The idea with the highest vote will be the one I'll make. In case of a tie, I'll choose one of the tied ones at random.

Original Requests:

  • Kirby meeting Ori
  • Ocus trying on different glasses, sunglasses, shades
  • Ori x Rue from OneShot! Either male or female Ori works for it
  • I think it would be pretty neat if we could see male ori and the woman interact some more. How about the woman has him in her lap while sitting qnd like sogtly hugging him while they sit and talk about some silly story? I am feeling some cutesy feel good stuff
  • Ori doing the MrBeast meme



Pov: Me and the Bois:https://youtube.com/shorts/FtVSdG-MeMM?feature=share?t=2


At this rate, you'll be the community requester with ideas like yours.