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Hey guys!

I have finished improving the Guardian Spirit Love 3 animation! It has shading, better background, sound effects, and other little details. I wanted to make the setting a romantic cabin in the forest (not the horror movie 🤣). I hope you like it!

I have also created the male version! I hope you like that one too!

Female: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PWLYKHKwXNt_5bYVnmMWcDSOWj_TQ6Pg/view?usp=sharing

Male: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FrCi1vGARZx2Mu569ehnLqEz9Kz59uBY/view?usp=sharing



What a cute little sweetheeart. I'm falling in love all over again, haha. You do great! <3


I love this animation, thank you for the male version as well!!! Great stuff! ♥


Big props for making the update!