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It is finished! It was supposed to be a simple animation, but I got carried away. 😂 I hope you guys like it!

Some of the things I can add to this animation is simple cel shading, a more detailed background, and even sound effects. And based on how this is setup, I can even create a male / male version if you guys want that.

Right now, I have received a commission to create an non-Ori animation so I will be working on that for a couple of weeks before I start working on the other ideas. I will share the commissioned animation when it is done so look forward to it!

MP4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SwOFhRXAA3O9yScRmUqNdtIs6EsLSPe2/view?usp=sharing

Webm: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10Jj-ALtL5NpgeMHaB7weyE5bt9mcj4Ie/view?usp=sharing



I for one would love a male/male version! Great work as always though!

The Minerat

Great job! That's super hot!