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Nurse Becky moves Gonzo in such a way that he seems independently lifelike; not only because she can flick and twist sections of his body to intentionally direct his "appendages", but she does it all even during moments of intense concentration like this, where you'd think she would be too distracted to be directing a puppet, if that makes sense.

I had a different idea of how to express the dialogue and then some, this is somewhat a placeholder to demonstrate the overall intended context.

Also been trying to refine Becky's overall body-style... I'll admit I've generally made her too wide in most images... more than I actually intend to happen, but I just can't help it sometimes haha. This time I think I successfully dialed it down, and I believe it actually makes her cuter.




I have no problem taking you to the county fair Saturday. What time?

Viro Veteruscy

D'aww~ So cute. Nice that she uses her puppet to help herself as well. Good self-esteem booster :3