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Hey everyone, I hope you all have been doing well!

A lot of real-life events have happened for me the past month including some medical issues, but I believe things have settled down at last, so there should be more material the coming weeks! Apologies if things seemed a little slow and/or unpromising lately, but I've been trying to stay productive when I can!

With all that said, I'm curious to hear from you guys! Do you have any suggestions, questions, concerns about anything? Things you'd like to see more of? I'm very open for any input, as I have some ideas of my own to work on but curious to hear your thoughts! 

I also plan on trying out animation, as I feel it is a sort of "next step" in the world of drawing for me, and would help with my recent endeavors of "loosening up" more with drawing, but animation is a highly complicated world so I imagine it'll take me some time to make something worthwhile... but we'll get there!

Anyway, happy Friday and I hope you all have a great day!


Viro Veteruscy

Honestly, keep doin what you're doin. Other than seeing a much fatter GM, I really have nothing to suggest as you're doing great as is :3


A day in the life of Jocelyn would be nice


Not-so-secret desire to see Mahiña double down on her size/hunger. I want to see that girl !indulge! (Or help someone else to...) More slice of life stuff too, it's full of so many little personality details that scratches a very special itch. There's just something about knowing there's more to a character than just pixels on a screen?


If it were up to me? Fat Pom. Or fat Mahiña. Or fat Becky.


Some more pregnant Giraffe Mom


I really love the idea of an art piece depicting Giraffe Mom in a reality where she's just totally 'let go'. Gone is any interest in diet or exercise or holding down a job, replaced with an UberEats addiction, welfare spent almost utterly on fast food, and an unhealthy obsession with day-time TV. I envisage her just slobbing out on the sofa, surrounded by empty takeaway bags, gut sagging down towards the floor. I know you haven't done too many super-fats, and the subject matter is pretty different from the direction you might normally go in but I reckon if you were interested in the concept you could pull off something pretty amazing. ♥️


I may level-up to something like that one day! I just uploaded a WIP with a similar notion, though not of GM. Perhaps not quite super-fat, but I think the theme of unkempt consumption is there, hehe.


Mahina pregnant lol