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At the fast food chain HAMBUR®, Giraffe Mom aka GM becomes a General Manager aka GM! Which comes with its advantages (more pay) and disadvantages (screaming internally). 

The dialogue is very much a WIP but I included it for context; it's basically going to be a gaggle of confusion between GM, a customer standing on front of her, and a customer in the drive-thru as she takes orders for both simultaneously. It's a little confusing right now but it'll be more obvious when it's done, with overlapping dialogue bubbles to guide the reader. You'll see.

As for the drawing itself... it was started on the iPad in Procreate then transferred to PC and continued from there, which is something I intended to start doing... though I'm discovering it's somewhat situational, haha. I actually considered making this pic 100% on Procreate but then had an odd moment where I wanted the sincerity of what I get from PC... even though I'm currently in a limbo where I don't really want 'clean lines' but did it anyway... I'm very indecisive.

Anyway, rambling aside, I also decided to experiment with a more torpedo/tent booba lol




She’s got her work cut out for her! love how GM always manages to look so good under pressure haha


Ma'am may I have a milkshake and a fupa sammich

Viro Veteruscy

Poor thing, hope she gets a well-deserved lunch break ;w;