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A few scribbles from Procreate! I'm aware that I should be inking/coloring various preexisting WIPs, my apologies content such of that has been lacking lately, but I do also need to draw things like this for practice and such! And I figure they might be interesting enough to share? 😅 

In retrospect, I should do things like this but then—ah—anthropomorphize them in some way, but a part of me thought it might be interesting for y'all to see these in their true base-form, or something...

The first/main image is based off something I saw the other day, kind of an attempt at a photographic memory, though because of that everything is assumed/idealized... but it oddly turned out to be my favorite of the three.

The second image I used my wife as reference (she purposely had her middle finger extended lol) however I was standing, and at one point during the initial sketch I felt I "had what I needed" to proceed without using her as a reference, but that turned out to not be true... and consequently the sketch ended up being my least favorite of the three. There's a lot of it that I know is incorrectly over-simplified, especially for the gravity involved. I know for a fact her belly didn't look like that precisely; I should've put more attention to there before breaking off.

The third image I used my wife as a reference again, but in this one I had her hold position a little longer. She actually had her hair going down both shoulders but I didn't like that on the drawing, so I improvised a little by pulling some over her back to break the uniformity.

Just wanted to throw these out here and give a little testimony for them! The regular stuff is still coming, I promise haha.
