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This is a revamped version of a very old unfinished sketch from a long time ago, where giraffe mom is on the phone with her friend Jocelyn (dialogue pending to be re-added) discussing how a blind date with an anonymous person went.

Made quite a few changes since the original, and this image is "inked" but I'm considering making some various changes before I move too far forward. Such as... perhaps I should actually add Jocelyn's portrait in here somewhere, like in the corner, showing it's her on the other end of the phoneline. 




Now this is my kind of desert

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

Wow! Love the pose, especially the way the lifted tail looks. Sex while on the phone is always hot, especially with butt stuff! Also, I think this might be one of your biggest size difference scenes yet, and I love it!

Viro Veteruscy

Goddamn, that's A LOT of ass! OwO


Thanks! I actually made her a little too big though... there's a chance I'll increase the anon's size a bit (just enough to fill the space a little more neatly) but she'll still technically be too big. 😅

Viro Veteruscy

Lol, would love to see GM's reaction to how much chonkier she's gotten over the years. Does she have a name btw? Not sure if it's come up as I've gotten used to GM but wouldn't mind using her actual name.


This most optimal way to follow-up dinner, especially with a mom such as GM! That anon must be in heaven rn 💦


She does have a name but I keep it on the DL for both a running-gag and metaphorical reasons. 😅