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WIP of some inks featuring the poll option that got the most votes, which was "pregnant giraffe mom working as a 1950s-style diner waitress"

This took a few drafts to finally find something I liked... the sketches were just never coming out right, until I conjured up some... context! In this case, it's GM working at the 1950s themed diner and a patron is giving her extra tips if she uh... well, you can see what's going on. 😅

That said, with New Years coming, I have actually been making a small list of resolutions for myself that I wrote down the last two or three months... one of them is simply "draw h0rnier [subject-matter]", such as this. 🥴 Also, this isn't meant to be a News Post, but I will likely modify how I do monthly polls a little more of an open-forum format. But it'll be an experiment at first, sort of depends how the first one or more go. But I'll lay more details of that out at a later time! Just trying to make the most of the new year, heh.




Very nice. I'm hoping a nice belly view along with, ya know....but that's just me. And I will always want bigger. Is that really a bad thing? Of course, now I have a mental image of giraffe mom by a pool looking very pregnant in an ill fitting bikini wondering why she wore it while simultaneously enjoying the attention.


good god that view is uhm... hoo boi yeah ok that new year's resolution is something I can get behind


holy shit

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

Nice view :D happy new year and thanks for all the art this year! Also wanted to note, there is something super hot and fun about seeing a lady's bits while her face is hidden :D


That undercarriage AAA

Viro Veteruscy

Same, I released that despite me being completely fine drawing NSFW content, I don't show it off as much as I should. Gonna have to fix that >w> Nice sketch, lots of THICC to give money to :3


Thanks! And yeah, not that there's anything wrong with pinups and such, but... I feel things can go further without entirely breaking characterization.


ohhhh i am ALL for this haha ;v; i hope new year treats you well <3


Ah okay my mind figured it could be one of a few things so I had to clarify haha. Slip is great though! But I wanted this to be like a quick "ugh okay take a peek then" at the edge of this person's table, showing the goods but quick enough that no one else in the restaurant really notices it.


Happy new year to you too! And yeah I like a hidden face for stuff like this too, hehe. I also opted for a crammed crop because it made her feel "bigger", just by the sheer fact she "can't fit on the canvas" among other reasons.


Aye, we all can draw a little dirtier! But in the end I honestly enjoy more implications than seeing the "actual deed happening", something like this being no exception, heh.