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Made some changes since the sketch; I've actually spent too long on this image making all kinds of adjustments, but finally finished the inks! One of the changes is I decided on no jewelry at her neck... there's something about the big open void being more of an eye-catcher than eye-catching jewelry. Anyone with me or am I tripping??

This pic got me thinking though... thinking of how giraffe mom voluntarily wears dresses like this in public. She puts on something like this and actually thinks "this looks alright". It must mean that—despite how shy or embarrassed she can be at times—GM is actually quite comfortable with her body and knows what she's got. There's a fierce confidence behind any nervous smile she might have. 

And I suppose it could be said that the consequence of her confidence is that she aims very high. Too high, even, heh. 

It doesn't look like it now, but there'll be some areola spillage. 🥴



American Mike

That long, plump neck is one of many reasons why I love GM. Sometimes it's best to keep things simple.


Jesus this is awesomeness And they lil bit of cootchie showing 🥴🥴


The other day I was told by someone they liked when I draw GM's neck a certain way, not a conscious decision but glad people like what I do there hehe


Thanks! And yeah I figured a small peek as she's trying to pull the dress down wouldn't hurt. 🥴


It wouldn’t be GM without some areola spillage! Gosh what a beauty 💦💦


Honestly, the clear view of all the detail on her neck and collarbone zone is very appealing to see