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A third [EDIT: fourth] image featuring part of Mahina's necklace, specifically the maniacal portion of it that once turned giraffe mom into a shark

GM said out loud that she wished she had more milk, and the wish was granted! Sort of. Perhaps she needs to get rid of the dang thing (or not??)...

Just a WIP, but I plan on making it obvious she's standing in her kitchen... countertop, partially-filled measuring cup of milk etc., more visuals to go with the dialogue. But for now they're in a void, heh.




GM can never have too much milk, she’s built for it! 🥴

Viro Veteruscy

Does her body good >w>


OH it's good to see another GM where we can appreciate her delightfully massive areolas <3


Mmmmm pizza pan areolas


Yeah! I plan on very much making them the focus. Possibly a subtle glow due to the magic and all that.

Fen Longpaw

Lovely~ any chance for a link to the high res Patreon post for the shark piece in the description though?

Fen Longpaw

I don't know if you forgot to. I know that Patreon isn't exactly kind to those looking for old posts though


I see! At first glance I even thought I forgot to post it, but I found it! https://www.patreon.com/posts/full-res-august-41090725 Indeed searching old posts is a little finnicky.

Fen Longpaw

Thank you! (Pointedly avoiding my rant on Patreon not investing in its own website)