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I have a feeling folks saw this coming...

Monthly poll (yet to be decided, sorry it's coming late) was originally going to involve a Halloween costume choice, but then the most ideal one fell from the sky, heh...

Something I wanted to emphasize in this is how the outfit is very much a costume, a little bit improvised (hence the necklace and leather gardening gloves etc.). I have a feeling the secret-seamstress Nurse Becky is the mastermind behind the creation of that headwear.

Another thing is I wanted the doorway to seem small. Might need to adjust size a bit more, but GM definitely has to lower her head and sidestep a bit to get in her own house... hopefully at least the livingroom has vaulted ceilings.




She’s so cute, love her costume for this year!


Not gonna lie I was cooking up a poll based on costumes, like I did last year, but when this reveal came up I was like "this is going to win the poll so I might as well just do it lol"


Yup! I do plan on adding her actually holding a bowl for more of that effect, heh.


the costume is so fitting for her, would be surprising if it didnt win!

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

Awesome. There's a few of your pictures , like this one, that feel like they're from the perspective of some idyllic childhood where the viewer develops a lifelong affection for this type of lady, those are really cool!