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WIP based on the September Poll which was about DALL-E Prompts! 

The bottom-right poll option got the most votes, with bottom-left in a fairly close second (you can see the 9 thumbnails again if you click the link above). At any rate, I hope what I created based on the prompt is interesting! 

The main difference that jumps out is of course her face. I had to do quite a bit of extra work for that! Haha...

When I made the prompt, I took a screenshot of all 9, but I forgot to actually click each thumbnail and save a larger-resolution version of each prompt. Oops. I mean, I just used the thumbnail as reference, but it would've been nice to have kept larger images of each one.




And HERE'S the AI GF that came about from a legit artist for FUNSIES X3


I tottaly forgot about this


God I just hope she doesn't end up looking like someone's OC. Not entirely my fault! Lol

