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A little idea I had a couple weeks ago... though if it's too weird I'll scrap it lol 🥴

An idea where not only does Erika's species not have booba but also only one entry-point and it happens to be the rear...

I dunno, think of it like a Yoshi but different or something. Or maybe I should go nah with all this. Let me know what you think haha.




So .. they basically have a cloaca, so to speak? It's certainly not weird to me, but then again I've been exposed to a WIDE variety of things that could certainly be considered weird I suppose, many weirder than this. Either way I like the concept!


When she means anal only, she really means it! Kinda dig the concept ahah


Pretty much that! But where our rears are, as opposed to a more labia-like one perhaps slightly elsewhere.


Sort of! She means if you angle perfectly straight you won't be going into a dumper, per se... 😅 But I guess on the outside it looks... just like one... probably feels it too (until you're in further?)


Not too weird I think? And the pose is just too good jkjhjfgjklm loving the underwear on the ankle, good vibes


A egg hole is a egg hole

Fen Longpaw

So she has a cloaca? Neat!

Viro Veteruscy

Neat, seen this type of thing before with characters that have cloacas so no issues here. Cute pic so far :3


Great to hear! It was also a little tough getting a pose I wanted since I wanted her to be... presenting, but not really with full confidence... if that makes sense.


Pretty much! One of the various shapes and forms of one, heh. And yes to peets. 🥴


Schweet! I'm kinda basing the canon on the responses from y'all. So far haven't heard much naysay... I do hope people feel okay to say no about it though lol

Viro Veteruscy

Honestly, I'd prefer you just do what you envision most of the time. Of course taking feedback is good but you don't have to listen to everything if you don't want to. I enjoy what you do so keep having fun with it :3


Absolutely nailed it I think. Got that nervous flustered look that juuuust right.


I try to do that, but I also aim to please, especially you guys! So I feel the need to ask what you guys think, hehe.


Null stuff is like this doesn't seem very common and is cool to see you fancy stuff like this


Thank you! I know I could go weirder with this, but she's overall not really supposed to be super-alien, so it checks out I think!


I have to drive a lot during my dayjob and this thought popped up at some point haha. I'm definitely going to continue with it though yolo