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Erika is halfway-dressed to head out! And the lad she is speaking to isn't. He's too busy playing so-called "video-games" I guess.


I recently watched an artist stream, and something they did was position a big 3D overlay on the canvas that helped direct them to draw a figure within a specific space; I understood what they were doing and needed to try it for myself.

It works quite nicely; though this was a very normal test—that is, a natural horizon-line that is on the eyeline and all that, not a dynamic angle by any means. Very normal. But you can see it was a very useful tool especially for the background! I am stoked about the potential for this and will definitely keep utilizing it in the future.



Viro Veteruscy

3D overlays are a good tool, nice work so far

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

I think it's a good idea, a bunch of my other favorite artists also create a 3d scene with blender at first then paint over it


I’ve seen artists pose 3D puppets and draw over them, it’s a pretty neat way to capture tricky shots!


Thanks! It's not a very ambitious angle for this one, but so far I can see the potential.


Ah I tried Blender for 20 minutes once... astronomical amount to learn but it would be a highly useful! Maybe I'll check it out again one day.


I tried the puppets once! I know they're useful especially for multi-character interactions but they also felt so limiting to me. But by "limiting" I guess I mean my indecisiveness has no opportunity to get in the way lol 😅