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I've been working on a little ref sheet for Erika... I've actually been thinking of her lately a lot more than it might seem. Not sure how far along I'll go with this ref, but I might make a separate "finished" version of the base image since I find it cute, heh...

I'm still quite uncertain on what her default "non-spacesuit outfit" on the right should look like. What I scribbled is just a placeholder for now, but I'll figure it out eventually.

For the record, Erika is a currently-unnamed species of vegetarian "fairy dragons" and does not have booba; she has them when wearing the suit but those cones are just filled with electronics and all that.

...it was important for me to mention she's vegetarian because part of her thing is cold-selling an ungodly-looking variety of meat-substitutes called "Chups"... and as a vegetarian she is completely unable to provide customers with a genuine personal testimony to the most common question, which is "how does Chups compare to real meat?"—but this pic shows nothing about any of that so I intend to explain all this with more visual context at a later time!

Part of my excitement with this Erika-stuff is I'm using her and the inherent future-setting as a catalyst to bring back other old abandoned characters I made back in the early 2000s, just like Erika herself (you'll see them later). I'm also on a little hunt to regain contact with a long-gone artist named Wagontamer to perhaps see if I could adopt a handful of his characters to "keep them alive"... 

It's a new-ish personal passion project I guess! I hope you guys are even slightly interested, haha... 




Erika is statistically my least popular character by far, I'm hoping to change that. 🥴


she may not have the booba but she's got hips!


Passion projects are always worth tossing yourself at I feel, even if it isn't as popular. Just have fun with it and I'm sure that'll shine through. (Erika is also great, look forward to seeing more of the lore brought to life~)


I can't help myself (plus the hips just go with her tail and legs heh)


It's basically her means for fuel. Erika gets convinced (tricked?) into spending the last of her money on becoming a sales representative for Chups, which functions like Avon except with fake meat instead of beauty products.


I have no experience in tabletop gaming, but I know from the game FTL: Faster Than Light that you might find yourself willing to do anything for more fuel when stuck in the void of space... and Erika is probably aware she has a pretty nice body lol