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It has been a while since I've scribbled Becky in her natural habitat, aka working as a nurse! She was actually designed by you guys, which is really special to me! Also shoutout to Aimbot Jones who recently said he wants me to draw her more, to which I agree.

Though this is a kind of practice scribble is just to get my bearings. Ideally I want to draw her doing nurse-things that are lowkey a pleasant experience... that is, simply getting your pulse taken where she grabs your arm and holds it against her body...

It's kind of like when you're getting your hair cut by a large gal and her midsection rubs against you, you know?




heck yeah becky! Love to see this gal, and her occupation is way too fun cuz like you said, brushing up against her curves would be almost unavoidable if you were her patient :D


Ahhh it's the best snek So glad to see her again

Fen Longpaw

She really is adorable. I look forward to seeing more as well! Also, in case you don't usually do a second pass on old post comments, I replied to your reply with a good starting example of Sabrotiger's studies of pregnancy effects, along with a bit of a heads up


herrrrrrrrr <3 i wanna spoil her up, such a beauty


Oh absolutely, and even some unintentional huge tail-rubs would be frequent! Glad you like her!


Thanks! And yep I checked out Sabrotiger's work, thanks for the reference! I normally aimlessly look at random examples and confuse myself, haha.


Happy to hear it! Also thanks again for the cute portrait of her you made. :D

Fen Longpaw

Glad my following ten thousand artists was a help to someone x3