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First WIP is here! It went through a lot of changes and even full redraws because I wanted to get a certain "mass"... and I think I finally got it, heh. I imagine this will be a very interesting timelapse video when it is done.

As usual, a decent amount of changes will be made, but overall I think this is the right track.

Clearly this is not giraffe mom's first pregnancy by any means... it's intended to be her 4th... though maybe the 5th??? Haven't officially decided, but either way I wanted her to be bigger than the previous prego images.




She needs all the love


Her breasts certainly look to have increased further more too with the pregnancy. :3c

Viro Veteruscy

Not gonna lie, I'd be her Teacher's Pet >w<


Oh absolutely. I had a struggle of making them "bubble" too much but I still wanted to go with... heavy...


Time to make them oblong like there watermelons. :3c https://www.dropbox.com/s/ezoiwhxxka4buwx/longmelonlonggreen.jpg?dl=0

Cosmos Arts

ooooh can't wait to see this one finished, maybe she would help me whit private tutorships?

Fen Longpaw

Not sure if you'd be interested, but personally I find Sabrotiger's work to be some of the best studies of the effects of pregnancy, and repeat pregnancy, on the female form


Poor working mama- having to bring family home with her to work X3 Very nicely done, Jav


Hmm I will certainly check them out. I do need to research preg a lot more. Anything helps!


*checks calendar and looks back skeptically, then shrugs* Eh, fair enough lol X3

Fen Longpaw

Here's one of the more simple, but also clean, examples of their observation of the effects. They have a LOT more, though of varying degrees of lewd, as it seems to be a favorite theme of theirs. https://e621.net/posts/3108657?q=sabrotiger