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To reiterate, this is an idea I've had for years but never actually drawn yet: b*ttplug with a loincloth. I will continue to explore this attire...

This image was also just an excuse to draw Pom in general; also decided to make her a bit chunkier than usual... and a bit more sultry. Because why not! 

I'm still a bit indecisive about what direction I want to go when inking and coloring. That is: thinner lines or thicker lines, cleaner lines or rougher lines, softer lighting or harder lighting... in this image I went with thicker/rougher lines and harder lighting. But I'm starting to wonder if when I'm drawing something "soft" if I should just "always" go with softer lighting. But I do enjoy the cleanliness of harder-lighting. Just thinking out loud.

But alas, bodypaint alt included because that's part of Pom's game! Small chance that'll be the "primary" version but I'm undecided on that.




hard lighting on soft bods looks good! and extra soft pom here looks beyond stunning, really nice job dude!


I'm loving bigger pom

Cosmos Arts

she looks nice i love the bodypaint alt too!


Always love to see Pom and her best side


Pom ass is best ass