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Having a nice break, Mahiña? Perhaps she should find another place to rest! There are families in here trying to shop! Look away from the camping display, kiddos...

Added a couple alts including a bigger belly. There were a couple mishaps with logistics of making more alts, not enough pre-planning, but I now realize anytime I draw Mahiña I just need to just plan on making bigger-belly versions, haha. 

I must say, whenever I draw Mahiña, her hair comes out a little different each time because I don't look at previous works as a kind of reference... I just kind of go by spirit. That said, in this one I knew I wanted her to look unkempt, so it's a little more detailed than usual. Didn't realize how much more until after the fact. It sure takes a lot of time but in the end it's worth it! It's also kind of nice to zone-out while working on it, heh.




I mean, she can just be trying out new hairstyles every so often too. Loving the pictures! Especially the bigger belly version indeed. :3


What a deal for a cooler. And gm looking concerned

Viro Veteruscy

Gonna have to keep her well-fed for moments like this >w>


These are all so good! It’s hard to decide which belly alt is the best, but honestly those polka dot undies are cute as heck 👌

Cosmos Arts

ah yes, i love this! amazing work!

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

Just beautiful! So many fun details to look at here. I particularly like how her belly is so big that it's squishing the empty chip bag. And the details on that open mouth are amazing! Almost looks like it's open just in case anything tasty is nearby :D And the beautiful jungle of hair! Plus, love how much personality this shows for GM and GM's curious kids :)

Cosmos Arts

would she accept to go on a date whit me? she can pick the place haha


True, though I more mean of the level of detail haha. But now I'm thinking about other hairstyles... if it's possible to control it!


Thank you! The only problem about a bigger belly that I can think of is that you don't get to see her undies lol


Thank you! And I'm not sure about her with dating, but it never hurts to try!


Thank you! And yup Mahiña was indeed originally designed to not only be a big-belly character but also a vore one on the side... I haven't delved much into that with her recently, but the intentions are always there, hehe.