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All kinds of things happen when you're the grocery manager at a massive superstore chain like Maha-Mart! Let's see how Mahiña fares in one of the following scenes.

Couple things to note: you can vote for multiple options in this poll, so certainly pick the ones you'd like to see the most, but remember if you hypothetically vote for all of them, the votes basically cancel themselves out. Also: whichever scene wins, I plan on making them with a bit of... tasteful flare, one way or another. They'll be fun with some squish in some way etc., depending on the topic. I aim to entertain!

For each scene I'll describe what I have somewhat in mind, and of course if you have any questions/suggestions and/or would like more elaboration on a scene, please do let me know!

Scene 1) Mahiña manages to stop thieves from making it out of the store! She may be big and slow, but she's also quite strong... and... big. It would be difficult for a rascal to get away once she's got her mitts on them, and pressing them against her body! Big victorious smile until security arrives.

Scene 2) Pebsi Merchandiser Linda has a nervous, meek trainee lad with her. Mahiña can tell he is attracted to her, but he's quite shy. While Mahiña has no plans of actually hooking up with this new Pebsi merchandiser guy, she still flirts with him just to see him get flustered... and also to anger Linda since less work is getting done.

Scene 3) Returning Mart Karts from the parking lot! They say "In Store Use Only", but people still take them to their cars. However, Mahiña isn't simply sitting in the Mart Kart and driving it: she's more like casually taking them back, with her knee on the seat kind of position... with her belly in the front basket... which sounds comfier than sitting in the kart normally, really.

Scene 4) Mahiña has a moment of being lazy and a shopper sees her in the act! She's taking a nap at the Outdoors section, inside of a camping display, with the tent and grill and all that. She is completely asleep, in front of a fake bonfire, sprawled out in a rather unpresentable manner with some open snacks around her. She chose the spot because she knows it's conveniently a blindspot from the security cameras.

Scene 5) Bakery and produce throw out all kinds of old but perfectly good food all the time... generally into a large compost bin that eventually gets taken away. It's all technically still good though! So good that Mahiña takes the opportunity for a messy free meal of old cakes, donuts, pineapple slices and who knows what else. No wonder she never brings a lunch to work with her...

Please select the scenes you like the most! Again feel free to ask me any questions. Poll ends on September 12 at 4pm PST, thank you!


American Mike

I would like to vote twice for 3 please. Nothing like a girl letting it out while pretending to be physical

Cosmos Arts

it is a 1 4 5 for me i love Mahiña desgin


She's not sleeping on the job, she's merely demoing how relaxing camping can be with the store's merchandise!

Shiny Umbreon

Man I am so glad we can vote for more than one lol


Happy to hear it! I've done it for the past few polls now, I think it's a feature I will continue to keep around.


Aye! Also can't let those snacks sit there and get outdated on the display...