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Ever wanted to see giraffe mom in a Hooters® outfit? Me too! But just like my other brands such as Maha-Mart and Pebsi Cola, it was suggested that I make a kind of knockoff-company that obviously resembles the real-world one. So GM here is working for a restaurant chain called COOMERS, haha.

I think it's a fitting name for the restaurant chain... especially since with that device attached to giraffe mom's body, she's bound to become one while on her shift. Perhaps at Coomers you get a remote control for your waitress' device. Be sure to tip big!

I included a couple alts and a variety of them. Enjoy!



American Mike

Javanshir, every time I get an alert you've drawn more giraffe mom, my heart skips a beat. You always draw her with so much beauty.

Viro Veteruscy

*whistles* Makin' the big tips here >w>


Last on is best


Loving the milky alts, GM sure is getting those big tips. <3


Instead of a vibrator waiting thing..... She is the one who vibrates


man, with her on the head the restaurant will Never lack clients haha <3 this looks damn fabulous!


Really dig all the alts, she looks gorgeous! 💦


Lovely view of Giraffe Mom~ Probably just me, but, wish we had more naked Giraffe Mom, or maybe Giraffe mom using her girls to please a man.


GM w/ milk is so underutilized. Gotta see more milk action. Also this might be the slimmest we've seen GM and its perfect.


Not gonna lie, I was in the process of uploading these then stopped and thought "I think they'd like milk alts" so I made them haha.


I agree, I just need to be in a certain state of inspiration for such things. But they will come.


You definitely know your audience haha!


Aye, I do play with her bodytype a little bit in most images, in this one I wanted to make her younger/thinner/more confident!


Very true. I even have a few ideas that could work with a situation, but, oh well :) You still make GM amazing either way :3

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

It kind of makes me wonder how much you think of the customers' preferences when making stuff, as opposed to your own (acknowledging that there is a lot of overlap.)