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Halloween is coming quick! I knew I wanted to make an image for it based on Mahiña, and I was originally going to do a basic image featuring her in mummy-wrap (which I was excited to do because it would push around her squish in all kinds of fun ways, but...

...then I decided to go with her intended heritage and do something Dia de los Muertos themed! I'm excited to finish this one, in part because of the colors... I might try to do some fun neons with a dark background, but if that doesn't work, I'll just go traditional. We'll see. But this image should be quite vibrant when it's done! And also fun to make. 




ahhhhh mi diosa <3 love this~ she's always a treat to see! she can eat me any day. haha




More of her HELL YEAH! Thank you for that! Must be her favorite time! :D