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Y'all remember my dancer character Annelise Pinorini right? She's back again, and this time showing a bit more of her personality than that last image of her return, heh. I knew I needed to make a more action-packed image of her at one point!

I know what you're thinking and I'm surprised at how flexible she is as well... especially at her size. But that's great! I like to think she was a cheerleader in High School or something, back when she wasn't nearly as big.

I also like to imagine her hair is a wig; I almost redesigned her hair but decided it's not her own so it being messy and green works! Why she wears a wig, though, will be a mystery to me for now. That said I plan on having her eyebrows some different color than her hair/wig. More on that when the colors come!

Also: I plan on giving her more accessories than just pasties. Maybe some kind of fish-net. We'll see, though if you have any suggestions please let me know! It's a blank canvas of sorts.
