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I don't know the actual source of this image but I couldn't stop thinking about it so I scribbled a version featuring Pom and an old character I need to bring back named Grant (aka Atlatl... bear with me here while I figure stuff out haha).

I didn't post any WIPs of this image because I came home and just went 0-60 with this project and here we are. Do you guys think I should make an attempt to ink it etc. or are the pencil lines + color okay? I haven't posted full-res yet because I'm still on the fence about making an actual inked version.

Edit: Fixed a bunch of things including actually making Grant standing on Pom's butt instead of her back! Thanks Shiny Umbreon for getting me to consider that part of the image, haha.



Shiny Umbreon

I'm wondering if I'm the only one who's curious on what an X-ray of her spine in this pic would look like


That said I think I need to plump her butt more and have him standing on that instead of her spine. Good call!

Shiny Umbreon

Thank you. I'm no artist, but your art has always been an inspiration to push myself to learn anatomy and proportions, especially with plus-sized characters


Pom definitely got the 'shelf' for that too haha.


Perfect spot to lay a tray onto for eating a burger or cookies with a glass of milk to dip them into.


Learning anatomy and proportions is an endless thing but a fun ride! Happy to hear I'm an inspiration. I just edited this image, as you can see he's now standing on her butt and not her back, hehe.